Due to it being a public holiday all appointments will be charged at $90

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Doctors On Demand

Telehealth Doctors have changed Australian healthcare forever

Telehealth appointments with an online doctor anytime, anywhere

Based on 219299.00 reviews
How It Works
The Benefits
Conditions We Treat

How Telehealth Doctors Work

Accessing quality health care is simple with Doctors on Demand. Up to 15 minute consultations with Australian registered telehealth doctors. COVID-19 Medicare rebates are no longer available.


Book Your Appointment

Our online video consultation service gives you direct access to qualified doctors for on-demand appointments or for scheduled appointments at a time that suits you.

Register or Login

Enter or confirm your personal details so we know who you are and the doctor knows your current medical history.

Confirm Your Appointment

Complete your appointment booking by confirming your preferred time and practitioner and providing consent prior to online payment.

Chat with your Doctor

Join the video call using your smartphone, tablet or computer and discuss your medical concerns with your doctor. A prescription, referral or medical certificate may be provided.

The Benefits of Telehealth Doctors

Australia's 24/7 video telehealth doctor service


Skip the trip to the medical centre, avoid waiting rooms and get immediate access to urgent and primary care services with a registered Australian doctor on your smart device.

The best in digital health services

Doctors on Demand provides digital diagnostics for respiratory disease, sleep screening and smoking cessation, enhancing the quality of your care.

Patient-centric virtual care

Healthcare when and where you need it with doctors available day and night regardless of your postcode, providing true equity of access to quality healthcare.

Prescriptions delivered to your phone or pharmacy

Where prescriptions are provided by the doctor, eScripts are conveniently delivered to your smartphone for dispensing by pharmacies Australia-wide (Medicare card or IHI number required).

Conditions Our Telehealth Doctors Treat

Helping you with common medical conditions including:

Frequently Asked Questions

The Commonwealth Government ended Medicare rebates and bulk billing for Telehealth GP Consults from July 2020. Under current COVID-19 health measures, only GP Clinics that have seen a patient face to face within the past 12 months are eligible to claim Medicare rebates for telehealth consultations. You may be eligible to Redeem a Benefit using your insurance policy or employer issued voucher code.
Yes, absolutely. All of our health practitioners are Australian registered, fully qualified, insured and experienced in providing telehealth consults. Our health practitioners comply with all relevant professional standards including the RACGP Standards for telehealth and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Guidelines for technology-based patient consultations.
Our telehealth doctors can help you with many health concerns in a private and secure video consultation (up to 15 minutes' duration). We can treat your children too! Our doctors see patients for all sorts of medical conditions - as long as it is not a serious medical emergency. Where clinically appropriate, our doctors can provide prescriptions, medical certificates, referrals for specialists and requests for pathology/radiology tests.

Telehealth Doctor Appointment Pricing

We have appointments available 24 hours a day, seven days a week Australia-wide. Choose an appointment that suits you.

Convinced telehealth is the way of the future?

Our telehealth doctors are waiting for you right now