Telehealth News
2 min read

What are Telehealth Prescriptions?

You may have heard of telehealth GP consultations but have you heard of telehealth prescriptions or online prescriptions?

What is a Telehealth Prescription?

Have you ever just needed a script but don’t want to go through the lengthy process of booking an appointment, driving to the GP and losing an hour, or two, out of your day? Waiting rooms are a thing of the past with telehealth prescriptions, providing a new and innovative way to receive and request your prescription without the hassle of going to the doctor. You can now sit on your couch and get your prescription sent to you via SMS or to your local pharmacy immediately.

How do telehealth prescriptions work?

How to get a repeat prescription online

You can request your repeat medication via our video consult service.

How to get a new prescription online

All new prescriptions require you to speak with a doctor via our online doctors service. If a prescription is provided by the consulting doctor, it will be sent to the pharmacy of your choice immediately following the consultation. For those late-night requests, our Doctors on Demand Australian registered doctors are available after hours and here when you need them.

Need a Prescription?

Don’t take the risk of getting sick by visiting your doctors and request your telehealth prescription while you are at home.