Frequently Asked Questions

The most commonly asked questions about our telehealth platform.

Mental Health

Why do you need a Mental Health Treatment Plan?

One of the primary reasons for obtaining a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) is to access Medicare benefits for psychology sessions. With a valid plan, you can receive Medicare rebates for up to 10 sessions with eligible mental health professionals, reducing the cost of treatment. You will need a valid Medicare card to be assessed for a MHTP, and to receive a MHTP that is eligible for Medicare rebates.

A MHTP isn’t just a piece of paper – it’s an actual plan for your mental health treatment, helping you work toward improved wellbeing and recovery. If you are seeing multiple healthcare providers for your mental health, the plan helps coordinate care among them. This ensures that all professionals involved are working together to provide you with the most effective support.

You can book an assessment for a Mental Health Treatment Plan online. Rebates apply for Medicare card holders.