Frequently Asked Questions

The most commonly asked questions about our telehealth platform.


What if I no longer need the appointment? Can I get a refund?

Video consultations are paid for at the time of booking and are not eligible for a refund if you change your mind. If the doctor feels your appointment is not suitable for a video conference, then they can cancel the appointment at their discretion and you will not be charged.

70% of GP presentations can be handled via telehealth*, however, video consultations are not suitable for all conditions.

For emergencies and serious medical conditions, we recommend you seek care from your local hospital or GP. If you are seeking a prescription for a Schedule 8 controlled drug or any drug of addiction, please do not proceed with a video consultation as our doctors will not prescribe these restricted medications and a refund will not be issued for patients booking appointments for this reason.

*American Medical Association and Wellness Council of America