Frequently Asked Questions

The most commonly asked questions about our telehealth platform.

Mental Health

Who is eligible for a Mental Health Treatment Plan?

A qualified healthcare provider, such as a GP, must assess your eligibility for a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP). This assessment includes evaluating your mental health condition, treatment needs, and goals. You will need a valid Medicare card to be assessed for a MHTP, and to receive a MHTP that is eligible for rebates. 

If you don’t have a Medicare card, you will not be eligible for a rebated assessment or a Medicare subsidised MHTP.  

If you are eligible for Medicare but do not have a Medicare card, you can apply for one through the Department of Human Services. Eligibility criteria for Medicare include being an Australian citizen, a permanent resident, or a New Zealand citizen living in Australia. Once you have a Medicare card, you can proceed with requesting a MHTP. 

While a Medicare card is typically the primary means of accessing government-funded mental health services in Australia, it’s important to consider other avenues to receive the support and care you may need. 

You can book a private fee appointment and speak with one of our mental health trained Doctors about your mental health concerns at any time. They can still consult with you about a general plan for your safety and wellbeing, that doesn’t include rebated sessions. 

If ongoing costs are an issue, they may be able to guide you on low-cost or free mental health services provided by community organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), or public mental health clinics. 

If you’re in crisis or feeling unsafe, please call 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.